According to a recent IDC Market Forecast titled Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) Public Cloud Services Forecast, 2022–2026: Adoption Shifts to Adjacent Technologies,
IDC forecasts the public cloud services (PCS) market in Asia/Pacific excluding Japan (APeJ) to reach US$153.6 billion in 2026. IDC expects the APeJ PCS market to grow at a year-over-year (YoY) rate in 2022 at 25.9% in comparison to 36.3% in 2021, as cloud migration continues to accelerate. However, IDC expects the YoY growth rates to slow down beginning from 2023 with a YoY growth of 24.1%, to 21.4% in 2026.
"Organisations in the APeJ region are progressing their cloud adoption along the advancements offered by the cloud market segment. Organisations will continue to invest in these adjacent technologies to enhance their customer experience and business outcomes, "says Shahnawas Latiff, research manager for cloud services with IDC Asia/Pacific.
Cloud spending patterns
IDC forecasts the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to achieve a market value of US$65.6 billion and make up 42.7% of the APeJ PCS market in 2026. It predicts more organisations will continue to mature and optimize IaaS adoption and workloads to reduce capital expenditure and operate more efficiently. Dedicated and local infrastructure services will be utilised to differentiate the IaaS offerings.
platform as a service (PaaS) will reach a market value of US$29.8 billion, contributing to 19.4% of the APeJ PCS market in 2026. Feature-rich enhancements in the PaaS portfolio will enable organisations to enrich their application development and have a faster ROI.
Software as a service (SaaS) will grow almost more than double from US$22.9 billion in 2021 to US$58.1 billion in 2026, contributing to 37.8% of the entire APeJ PCS market by then. SaaS growth is attributed to organisations that want to streamline their operations and processes by transforming their applications into scalable modules. SaaS helps realize a quicker ROI model under the larger DX initiatives for both cloud providers and cloud customers.